I've been 26 for a couple of weeks now and honestly it's been a blur. The house has been so busy that I've barely had any time to reflect. Thank goodness I finally found the opportunity. This past year had a few ups and downs. I've started and closed a business, learned more about my son's disorder and I've sought out a support group to help me cope, met new friends, strengthened relationships, written and performed in a play, and of course had a baby.
To live one more year is a blessing, and it is by the grace of God that I am here and with loving friends and family. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store.
For my 26th year of life, I have a list of "to-do's" to check off. Some of my goals are major, others...not so much. Some of my main goals include publishing my first children's book, starting my new hobby of plus size modeling, and raising funds and awareness for Autism and Anti-bullying. I am so excited to write this new chapter in my life and I believe in setting goals to reach until the next year.
This is one of those goals that I've had since I was a teenager. I've watched my mother get her motorcycle license. She's my hero, so I obviously want to do what she does. Therefore, I HAVE to obtain my motorcycle licence. This is something that my husband has been disputing since we've met, but I was informed that IF I can handle the weight of a cycle, I can ride one!!! Of course we wouldn't be purchasing one for a while. I can't wait. Imagine me...ON A MOTORCYCLE. This will surely win me cool points when my kids get to high school.
2. Getting a NEW tattoo
This is another touchy area for my husband. Unfortunately I have not greased him over enough for him to be okay with my decision to get another tattoo...or two... or three. He really doesn't want me to get another one. I already have one that I'd acquired before marriage. I was 17 and the tattoo is stupid. That's all I have to say about that. Either way, I've thought long and hard about my tattoo selection and I'm confident in what I've picked. Now..to get it, even if my husband doesn't agree. Sorry honey. I still love you! Smooches.
3. Pursue plus size modeling
I'm so excited to try this out! I am in no way trying to make this a career. I just want to have a little fun. I did a little modeling while I was younger, but I so want to give it a go again.
4. Dye and maintain my hair color.
I attempted to dye my hair my freshman year of college. My mother didn't agree. I didn't know how to take care of my hair. I did it anyway, against my mother's better judgement, and my hair broke off. Silly me. Now I'm ready to take on the responsibilities of deep conditioning and other color maintenance rituals. My mother agrees (she dyed it for me).
5. Give back
I plan on using my powers for good. Charities, fundraisers, soup kitchens, OH MY! I am excited to participate within the Autism Speaks community as well as the Anti-bullying campaign. I'm also continuing a project I started last year: Hats for the homeless. This winter I'll be handing out homemade crocheted hats made by yours truly.
6. Get my teeth whitened.
Straight-ish teeth? Check! Nice and white? Not so much. I do have a few tips to fake a whiter smile (Red lipstick with blue undertones and bronzer), but I want my chompers to be pearly white. Now to decide if I'm going to DIY or go pro.
7. Get organized. Really organized. Really really organized....with a really really fancy planner.
I'm absolutely obsessed with notebooks, note cards, envelopes, and notebooks, and um.... notebooks. I don't know what it is about a fresh notebook. There's nothing like it to me. The only thing better than a fresh notebook, is a full notebook. A book full of my info. I've recently been told that I need to get it together in the organization department. When I became pregnant this last time, I stopped using my calendar. I was completely confused. Now that the baby is here and we're about to make some major changes, I need to reassess and, well, reorganize. I would love to combine my need to organize and my love of notebooks. Time for a fancy planner.
8. Finish my 1st children's book.
Yep. You've read it correctly. The Gilmores have written a children's book. Yay us! Now, it's time to get this thing illustrated, self-published, and shared. I'm so excited!! More details to come.
9. Get fit.
I'm not searching for skinnie-dom. Instead, I'm just looking for the ability to run after the kids and play outside.
So, there it is. My list for my 26th year of life. Some of these seem superficial, while others have a little more depth. Either way, these are my goals.
Have you had a birthday recently? Do you give yourself "new year's" goals on your birthday? If so I would like to know what some of them are.
Until next time,
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