Since January of this year, I've been sort of temperamental and I'm losing my patience. This is the territory that comes along with being pregnant. Since this is my third time, I feel as though I can laugh and have some fun with my feelings, especially knowing that this is only a temporary state of crazy. So, without further hesitation, I bring you the 12 PROS & CONS OF BEING PREGNANT feat. Ursula the Sea Witch.
1. Con: How hungry you feel 2 hours after eating a meal.
2. Pro: How you feel when your pregnancy glow and makeup are simpatico.
3. Pro: The response you can give your husband when he asks "What housework did you do today?"
4. Pro: Telling your husband that he has a choice, he can either do the dishes or give birth. (Chores avoided)
5. Con: How you think you'll look RIGHT AFTER you have your baby... but the mirror refuses to tell a lie.
6. Pro: How you feel when you take your clothes off at the end of the day (That is, if you make it to the end of the day).
7. Pro: How you look when someone gives up their seat because they feel guilty letting a pregnant woman stand. (Suckers.)
8. Con: How you look when demanding your pregnancy craving.
9. Pro: How you feel once you've gotten your pregnancy craving.
10. Pro: How you react when your OBGYN says you've only gained one pound after eating Apple Pie a la mode for breakfast everyday for the last 4 weeks. (I Still got it!)
11. Con: The look you make when you see a man taking the parking spaces designated for expecting mothers.
12. Pro: The look you make when you DO get the special parking space!
This completes my Ursula's list. Any expecting/mothers out there that can come up with a few I've missed? Share them in the comments below.
Until next time,
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